Block Press
Block Press
  1. 1 - Choose a heavy block or object suitable for your fitness level. This could be a concrete block, a large stone, or a similarly shaped and weighted object.
  2. 2 - Stand in front of the block with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. 3 - Bend at your hips and knees, keeping your back straight, to reach down and grip the block with both hands. The grip can be either double overhand (both palms facing you) or alternate (one palm facing you, one facing away).
  4. 4 - Brace your core and engage your leg and back muscles to lift the block off the ground.
  5. 5 - With the block in your hands, bring it to chest height, holding it close to your body. Adjust your grip as needed for stability.
  6. 6 - Press the block overhead by extending your arms and pushing it upward.
  7. 7 - Lock out your elbows at the top of the press to fully extend your arms. Hold for a moment to demonstrate control.
  8. 8 - Carefully lower the block back to your chest and then to the floor.
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