Kettlebell Clean and Press
  1. 1 - Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a kettlebell in both hands with both palms facing you.
  2. 2 - Bend your hips and knees slightly, swinging the kettlebell back between your legs.
  3. 3 - Explosively extend your hips and knees while pulling the kettlebell upward. As it rises, rotate your wrists, allowing the kettlebell to flip over and land on the back of your wrists.
  4. 4 - Catch the kettlebell in the “rack” position, where it rests against the front of your shoulders and chest. Your elbows should be pointing downward, and your wrists should be straight.
  5. 5 - From the rack position, press the kettlebell overhead by extending your arms fully.
  6. 6 - Lower the kettlebell back to the rack position, then control it as you reverse the clean movement and bring it back between your legs.
  7. 7 - Repeat the clean and press motion for the desired number of repetitions.
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