  1. 1 - Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. 2 - Begin by marching in place, lifting your knees toward your chest.
  3. 3 - As you lift your right knee, simultaneously bring your left arm forward. Repeat this motion with the opposite knee and arm.
  4. 4 - Progress from marching to a skip-like motion. As you lift your knees, push off the ground with the balls of your feet, emphasizing a quick and explosive movement.
  5. 5 - Keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and core engaged throughout the drill.
  6. 6 - Continue the coordinated arm action, swinging them in a rhythmic manner opposite to your knee lifts.
  7. 7 - Focus on staying light on your feet, emphasizing a quick and snappy rhythm.
  8. 8 - As you get comfortable, you can introduce forward movement, skipping in a straight line or a circular pattern.
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