Towel Dead Hang
- 1 - You’ll need a sturdy pull-up bar or a horizontal support that can safely bear your body weight and a towel.
- 2 - Fold the towel lengthwise, so it forms a long, narrow strip. Hang the towel over the pull-up bar or support so that both ends hang down evenly.
- 3 - Stand facing the pull-up bar, reach up, and grip both ends of the towel with your palms facing each other and your hands at shoulder-width apart.
- 4 - Lift your feet off the ground, so your entire body weight is supported by your grip on the towel.
- 5 - Hang from the towel for as long as you can, focusing on maintaining your grip. Your body should be fully extended and hanging freely.
- 6 - Gently lower your feet back to the ground to finish the exercise.
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