Heel Scoop Hold Stretch
Heel Scoop Hold Stretch
  1. 1 - Stand with your feet hip-width apart on a flat surface.
  2. 2 - Point the toes of one foot upward, so your heel remains on the ground and your toes are flexed.
  3. 3 - While maintaining a straight back, hinge at your hips to bend forward.
  4. 4 - Reach down with both hands and aim to hold under your Achilles tendon (the area just above your heel) of the foot with the pointed-up toes.
  5. 5 - You should feel a stretch in your calf and hamstring of the same leg with the pointed toes.
  6. 6 - Hold this position for 15-30 seconds, feeling the stretch without any pain.
  7. 7 - Slowly return to an upright position.
  8. 8 - Repeat the stretch on the other leg.
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