Plate Pinch Farmers Walk
Plate Pinch Farmers Walk
  1. 1 - Choose two weight plates of equal size and weight for the farmers walk.
  2. 2 - Stand facing the plates and use a pinch grip, placing one hand on the face of each plate with your fingers on one side and your thumb on the opposite side.
  3. 3 - Lift the plates simultaneously, keeping your arms extended and your grip secure using the pinch grip.
  4. 4 - Keep a straight back, engage your core, and walk forward with short, controlled steps.
  5. 5 - Walk for a predetermined distance or time, challenging your grip endurance and forearm strength.
  6. 6 - If turning during the walk, do so with control, maintaining a firm grip on the plates.
  7. 7 - Once you reach your designated endpoint, carefully set the plates down and allow a brief rest period.
  8. 8 - Repeat the exercise or increase difficulty by using heavier plates for subsequent sets, gradually challenging your grip strength and overall endurance.
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