Child’s Pose Push-Up
Child’s Pose Push-Up
  1. 1 - Begin in a kneeling position with your big toes touching and knees hip-width apart.
  2. 2 - Sit back onto your heels, reaching your arms forward.
  3. 3 - Lower your upper body toward the ground, bending at your hips.
  4. 4 - Place your palms on the floor in front of you, shoulder-width apart.
  5. 5 - Inhale deeply and lower your chest toward the ground, keeping your hips above your heels.
  6. 6 - Exhale as you push back up to the starting position.
  7. 7 - After completing the push-up, return to the Child’s Pose position and repeat the sequence for the desired number of repetitions.
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