Parallette L-Sit to Handstand
Parallette L-Sit to Handstand
  1. 1 - Start in a seated position between the parallettes, gripping them with hands and legs extended, forming an L-sit.
  2. 2 - Lean forward, shifting your weight onto your hands while keeping your core engaged.
  3. 3 - Initiate a controlled kick, lifting your legs upward toward the handstand position.
  4. 4 - Straighten your arms, aiming for a stable handstand on the parallettes with a straight body line.
  5. 5 - Find balance in the handstand position, using your fingers and wrists for minor adjustments.
  6. 6 - Lower your legs with control, returning to the L-sit position.
  7. 7 - Aim to land back in the L-sit with control and stability.
  8. 8 - Practice the movement, focusing on smooth transitions and balance. Gradually refine and increase the difficulty as you progress.
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