Machine Lying Leg Curls
Machine Lying Leg Curls
  1. 1 - Start by adjusting the machine to fit your body. Adjust the seat height and make sure your knees align with the axis of rotation of the machine. The ankle pad should rest just above your heels.
  2. 2 - Lie face down on the machine with your chest against the bench and your legs fully extended. Your feet should be pointing straight ahead, and your toes should be pushing against the ankle pad.
  3. 3 - Begin the exercise by curling your legs toward your glutes. Keep your upper legs on the bench, and focus on using your hamstrings to lift the weight. Exhale as you curl your legs.
  4. 4 - At the top of the movement, your hamstrings should be fully contracted, and your feet should be close to your glutes.
  5. 5 - Slowly and in a controlled manner, lower the weight back to the starting position, extending your legs.
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