Sled Push
Sled Push
  1. 1 - Place the sled on a flat, smooth surface, such as a gym floor or a turf field. Load the sled with an appropriate amount of weight for your fitness level.
  2. 2 - Stand behind the sled with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Your body should be in a forward-leaning position.
  3. 3 - Reach down and grab the handles of the sled with both hands, keeping your hands at hip height or slightly lower. Your arms should be extended, and your back should be flat.
  4. 4 - Begin by driving your legs into the ground and pushing the sled forward. Make sure to keep your back straight and maintain good posture.
  5. 5 - Take short, controlled steps as you push the sled. Your stride should be powerful, and you should focus on generating force with your legs.
  6. 6 - Continue pushing the sled until you’ve reached your desired distance or time. The goal is to maintain a steady and controlled pace.
  7. 7 - Once you’ve completed the desired distance or time, carefully release the sled handles and stop the sled’s movement. Be cautious when stopping to avoid sudden jolts or strain.
  8. 8 - After each push, take a brief rest, and then repeat for the desired number of sets and repetitions.
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