Pommel Horse Circles
Pommel Horse Circles
  1. 1 - Begin by mounting the pommel horse. Swing your leg over the horse and position yourself in a straddle stance with hands placed on the pommels.
  2. 2 - Start the circles by swinging your legs in a circular motion. Engage your core and hips to create momentum.
  3. 3 - Keep your legs straight and together as you swing them around the pommels. Point your toes to maintain a clean and precise form.
  4. 4 - Your hands play a crucial role. Use them to guide the circles by shifting your weight from one side to the other.
  5. 5 - Maintain a controlled pace throughout the circles, avoiding abrupt movements. Focus on a smooth and continuous motion.
  6. 6 - Fix your gaze on a specific spot to help with balance and orientation during the circles.
  7. 7 - Aim for consistency in the size and shape of your circles. Practice regularly to improve your technique and fluidity.
  8. 8 - Finish the routine with a controlled dismount, landing safely on the ground.
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