Roll Ball Piriformis Release
Roll Ball Piriformis Release
  1. 1 - Sit on a comfortable surface like a yoga mat or carpet.
  2. 2 - Cross one leg over the other, creating a figure-four position with your legs.
  3. 3 - Bend your bottom knee and place your foot flat on the ground.
  4. 4 - Take a small ball, such as a tennis ball or lacrosse ball.
  5. 5 - Position the ball under the buttock of the crossed-over leg, targeting the piriformis muscle.
  6. 6 - Gently apply body weight to the ball while keeping your hands on the ground for support.
  7. 7 - Roll the ball along the piriformis muscle in a circular or back-and-forth motion.
  8. 8 - Switch to the other side and repeat the process.
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