Truck Pull
Truck Pull
  1. 1 - Start by putting on a sturdy harness designed for truck pulling and securely fasten it. Attach the other end of the harness to the front of the truck.
  2. 2 - Stand facing away from the truck, with the harness securely in place.
  3. 3 - Get into a low stance with your knees bent and your back straight.
  4. 4 - Initiate the pull by either running or crawling forward while wearing the harness. Your body should be connected to the truck via the harness.
  5. 5 - Slightly lean forward and engage your core muscles for power as you start to move the truck.
  6. 6 - Take consistent strides or crawl forward to maintain a steady pace. Keep your movements controlled and rhythmic to maximize your pulling power.
  7. 7 - Maintain an upright chest, straight back, and engaged core throughout the pull. Focus on keeping a stable and balanced posture while moving forward.
  8. 8 - Continue pulling until you reach a designated finish line or complete the required distance.
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