Steam Room
  1. 1 - It’s essential to be well-hydrated before entering a steam room. Drink water to ensure you’re adequately hydrated.
  2. 2 - Typically, you’ll wear a swimsuit or use a towel for modesty in the steam room. Be sure to bring clean and dry swimwear with you
  3. 3 - Before entering the steam room, take a quick, warm shower to cleanse your body. Use mild soap and rinse thoroughly
  4. 4 - Open the steam room door slowly and enter. The temperature inside the steam room is elevated, and it’s filled with steam, creating a humid environment
  5. 5 - Find a comfortable spot in the steam room and relax. Breathe deeply and let the steam envelop you. Steam rooms are designed for relaxation and detoxification.
  6. 6 - Steam room sessions are typically recommended to last around 15-20 minutes. Staying longer can lead to dehydration or discomfort.
  7. 7 - After your steam room session, take a break outside to cool down and rehydrate. Drinking water is essential to replenish fluids lost through sweating.
  8. 8 - You can repeat the steam room session if you wish, but be sure to allow adequate time for your body to recover between sessions.
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