Ankle Circles
- 1 - You can perform ankle circles while sitting on a chair or standing, depending on your preference and comfort.
- 2 - Begin by lifting one foot slightly off the ground. You can also sit with your legs extended in front of you and lift one foot off the floor.
- 3 - Slowly start to rotate your lifted ankle in a clockwise direction. Imagine you are drawing a circle with your big toe. Make the circles as large as you comfortably can.
- 4 - Continue making clockwise circles with your ankle for about 15-20 seconds or as long as desired.
- 5 - After completing clockwise circles, switch to counterclockwise circles. Rotate your ankle in the opposite direction for the same amount of time.
- 6 - If you’re sitting or standing, switch to the other ankle and perform both clockwise and counterclockwise ankle circles.
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